IRA Academico Research IRA Academico Research

IRA International Journal of

Management & Social Sciences

The journal regularly reviews the works on management, developmental studies, economics, businesses, entrepreneurship, developmental psychology, cultural studies besides other sub-disciplines of social sciences.

ISSN 2455-2267 | DOI 10.21013/jmss
OCLC No. 950042020 | ZDB No. 2855909-5
Publication Frequency: Quarterly

Submit Manuscript

The journal invites submissions of original research on the themes and sub-themes of the discipline of Management & Social Sciences. The scope of the journal encompasses original research papers, quality review papers, case studies, and empirical findings.

Authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts online using our Online Submission System .

When submitting a manuscript for review, authors are required to provide their full affiliation details, a valid ORCID ID (if you do not have an ORCID ID, one can be generated for free at the ORCID Website ), an undertaking that the manuscript is not under consideration of any other journal at the time of submission.

Open Access & Article Processing Charge

The journal is an open access journal, meaning that the published papers are freely available immediately on publication. This helps published authors to increase their visibility and readership. Accessibility of published papers helps authors receive increased citeability for their quality works.

As the journal does not charge for access to its content, it relies on financial assistance from the authors in the form of an article processing charge (APC) to support open access. The authors, upon acceptance of their papers, are required to pay an article processing charge of USD80 (USD60 for student researchers), in case of Indian authorship, the APC is ₹2500. However, the authors from the UN Least Developed Countries (LDCs) , need to pay a discounted APC of USD60 (USD50 for student researchers).

To see if you are eligible for discounted APC for student researchers, check our Student Support section. For partial fee waivers (for other than student researchers) in other need-based and deserving cases, you’re encouraged to write to us, so we can evaluate if you’re eligible. Please bear in mind that partial fee waivers are offered in extraordinary need-based and deserving cases. So, we cannot guarantee partial fee waivers in all need-based cases.

The article processing charge (APC) helps the journal to:
Professionally edit the accepted papers (includes technical, language and layout editing)
Assign DOI to the published papers to increase the citeability and persistent identification of the published paper
Make the published papers permanently available.

Scope & objective of the journal

IRA International Journal of Management & Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication, reviewing and publishing the original scholarly research on the discipline of Management and Social Sciences. The journal regularly reviews the works on management, developmental studies, economics, businesses, entrepreneurship, developmental psychology, cultural studies besides other sub-disciplines of social sciences.

Content Availability & Frequency

The journal is published online and the published content of the journal is available free of charge under the open access mandate of the journal.

The journal’s issue is completed on every 10th of the month following the completion of the quarter for the articles accepted in and throughout the completed quarter. The journal’s issue remains ‘in-press’ till the date of its completion.

Time period taken in publishing: It generally takes us 3–5 weeks to review a manuscript. If the same is accepted following its review under our Peer Review Program , it is published within 3-5 working days from the date of completion of post acceptance requirements. The accepted manuscript is published in the running ‘in-press’ issue of the current quarter.

Peer Review Policy

The journal is a peer-reviewed publication with a double-blind review process. Every submitted article is reviewed by at least two reviewers. The reviewers ensure that only original, evidence-based works are published in the journal. The journal does not accept unoriginal and poor-quality articles for publication.

Read more in detail on our Peer Review Program .

Policy on Copyright & Archiving

The authors retain copyright for their published papers. And, they are allowed to share their published papers on any platform for unlimited access to the published content. The authors may choose to archive their papers in either accepted, unpublished, or published formats, with the stipulation that the primary source of the publication be mentioned.

Indexing & Abstracting

The journal’s published content is extensively indexed in leading academic databases. The journal’s content is increasingly being included in academic databases due to the journal’s focus on high-quality, peer-reviewed content.

Indexed and abstracted in
WorldCat Discovery Service | CrossRef Metadata Search | ROAD | Microsoft Academic Search | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar | OCLC Connected Libraries | Airiti | CNK Scholar | CNKI | ECONBIZ | J Gate | BASE- Bielefeild Academic Search Engine | Scilit | EZB | ZDB | ZBW | PKP Index

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